Hi there. End of Degree but not officially 💙
Assalamualaikum wbt. Hello dear reader. HEHE. Sorry for these late post. I am too busy with my studies. So, forgive me okay? Al-maklum lah kita sebagai student ni memang susah nak jumpa free time ni. Yeah even tak buat apa papa pun, ada je kerja nak dibuatnya. Dengan lambakan lambakan assignment dan final around the corner haritu. NOW I AM FREE. Not totally free, coz I'm doing my part time. Yeah, during this Holy of Ramadhan, we take the granted rezeki lah sikit kan. Even sikit pun, tetap akan memberi kebaikan pada diri kita kelak, InsyaAllah.
Yeah now i want to shared with you guys, i am just finished my degree last month (not officially lah). The official graduated from this degree is InsyaAllah next year on January because i have to complete my internship programme first. The internship are requirement from Malaysian government before i get my scroll. Time diploma dulu, internship under uitm not provided, so we don't have any experience on that (agak rugi sebenarnya kan?). But Alhamdulillah for this degree are compulsory for us taking an internship programme before graduated. InsyaAllah, the internship will be held this September. May Allah ease everything, Aamin.
I just want to be fairly and honestly that sekejap je tinggalkan blog ni because just want to straight focusing on my final examination. Yelah, IMPORTANT! Who don't want to get a better result and turn out a colourful result at the end kan? Every single person pun nak tunjukkan achievement setiap examination held (included me, hehe). JENG JENG JENG. The announcement of final result akan diberitahu kelak. Like last year, the result come out waktu raya (Aidilfitri). Then, this year must be the same, HAHA. KAU SABAR JAP.
Last sitting on academic examination was went well, Alhamdulillah. Every single day memang tak lupa lah untuk berdoa hopefully it may ease when answering the exam question. Some are helpful, and some are difficult. Alah, biasalah degree kan. The question supposedly difficult lah than diploma kan. Everyday we must proceeds with the dua's because theres a power of the dua's itself (i told you). Sometimes the power to boleh jadi miracle tau. Eg: One question that are so confusing us to decide the answer, and then tiba tiba dia boleh dok recap balik and boleh repeat pulak tu. At the end, we do decide the answer correctly. The power of dua tu, i told youuuuu.
For the internship, first step must be do the search and research. Nak jumpa work place yang best tu memang susah. Just try and error je sebenarnya. If rezeki turn up the best work place, must be grateful. If tak dapat pun, bersyukur juga lah. We don't know. Might be we get the best working partners. BUT, rasa bersyukur tu mesti tanam dalam hati. Walaupun sikit, jangan lupa untuk bersyukur. Rezeki tu semua comes from Allah swt. Jangan sambong okay?
Last but not least, sebelum apapun keputusan yang kita ambil, semua ada hikmahnya. Jangan takut bila buat keputusan, sesungguhnya diri kamu tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kamu dan masa hadapan kamu kelak, insyaAllah.
Yang baik datang dari Allah swt and yang jahat datang dari diri yang sentiasa melakukan kesalahan.
Insya Allah.
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