#StayAtHome #StaySafe
Assalammualaikum wbt. Dear my readers!
Here my post is regarding more on socialised messages. As we know that our blessed country Malaysia is facing some kind viruses a.k.a Covid-19. There is nobody knows this kind of viruses will attempting. Up till now, the negativity of this viruses is still attacking and spreading around the world. All the important authority is started to play their role to control in each of the inches of their subordinates to take a good care and a responsibility towards this currently cases have been faced. Aforementioned, doctors and nurses is very important roles in this kind of matters. They need to obtain certain test towards the infected patient. Not forget to mention, cleaners also part of this in order to secured the cleanliness of the particular places that actively used to observe the viruses. Specifically, hospitals and clinics is hot places that visit by every single patient. Imagine, more a thousand of people per day are currently visited, thus doctors and nurses need to assists every of them. Quiet tough right? Are they supposedly need to select which one of the patient to scan first? Yes, the answer is NO. They need to assists each one of them without caring out discrimination or politics or religious or else to contain this kind of cases.
Besides, I do heard news from television saying that currently in Malaysia is not enough in providing the breathing machine to the patient as well. They need to decide which patient need to used it first. Precisely, if there are two patient is infected by Covid-19, doctors need to do sort of test in observing and reviewing the patient's medical record, which one of them is more showed unpleasant result. So hat person should used the machine first. Imagine the doctors in stressful conditions in assisting each of the patients and they also need to do the decision regarding the person who used the machine. If I am the same shoes as theirs, I might not be the best doctors to do sort of decision in short time or in immediate manners. I am RESPECT to all doctors and nurses whom is responsible in the front-liners.
More than that, never forget to mention whom secured our movement in every places which are polices, ATMs and so on. Theirs responsibility is become one of the important to us to be grateful and thankful. We do not know how hard their times and days to restrict some of the people who did not understand what is RMO (Restricted Movement Order) means. I just wonder how stubborn the people are. When the government (the PM) started to announce that RMO is finally being applied to Malaysian, WHY there is still people who do not understand or pretend not to be understanding at all regarding the ORDER? WHY? #StayAtHome already being spread around the entire world, why us is still pretended? Here I truly disappointed to the certain people for being part of the stubborn manners. Here I want to invite ALL MALAYSIAN of being #StayAtHome. PLEASE!
We need to think deeply, who are the person who is infected. Majority of the deceased is amongst 40 years old and above as well as the children will be infected. However, Covid-19 does not discriminate by sex, age, race or income level. If you are infected, thats mean YOU ARE INFECTED. Do not being discriminate in every single thing that is not related. What we need to think is how effective this virus is spreading and how dangerous this virus are. Even though your places are not among the red zone, do not be in comfort zone and pretend your area are virus-free. You need to start your social distancing and obey the other rules that recommended by the WHO (World Health Organisation) or the Govern itself at the first place. If you want to be in the safe zone, please keep your promise to keep on social distancing. Perhaps our moves can be motivates other people to do so. #StaySafe.
Here I take my responsibility to invites more people to KEEP ON SOCIAL DISTANCING. If you need more information, you can click HERE for more assistance regarding Covid-19 by KKM (Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia). Malaysian, only the news updated by KKM is believable and you may share the link towards your family, friends, and everyone else that you think important to informed for. Kindly ignore whatever messages from the whatsapp group nearby from whomsoever because it will be not proper for us to spread the fake news even though the person is from your family members, STILL, do not spread the fake news. Do not being one whom irresponsible and fakes. Last but not least, PLEASE guard your social and secure your health.
May Allah protect us from the very first place. Allah is the Best Planner. Aamin.
There is no power more Great than Almighty Allah SWT.
#StayAtHome #StaySafe
See you soon!
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